Being there, doing that as a full stack developer building ,
Previously { Early employee at @taptolearn (YC '12), entrepreneur at (soft-landed), Early employee at Tutorvista (acquired) }
@bhaskerkode on Twitter
Saturday, December 31, 2005
Happy New Year 2006
2005 has been indeed an eventful one ,and for lot of things falling into place for me. I thank my stars for that , and like to keep up the momentum into 2006 with greater vigour ,passion and conviction , and to capitalise on all the things that have influenced me this year . Havent thought of explicit new year resolutions as yet , but i ll come up with something !
Hope you ALL have a great year and memorable year ahead ! 8 )
Keep Clicking,
Wednesday, December 14, 2005
Hacking the technorati scriptlet and stumbling upon AJAX

- the technorati snippet here
- and google analytics snippet here - i wonder why the urchin site and anymention of urchin in the page is dealt nastly . not surprisingly yahoo,and other keywords have been dealt with similiarly.
- plan vanilla javascripts with clever use of css ,and little bit of DOM as shown in the Very Dynamic Web Interfaces
- referring to a php / asp or other file that gets the httprequest,lot of xml ,
- presenting atlas and the AJAX project !

* ASP.NET 'Atlas' client-side controls: You can create rich applications using in-built client-side controls through JavaScript or ASP.NET 'Atlas' script;
* Client-side events: Events such as the onclick client-side event can be handled or attached using the client-side controls;
* Actions: Actions are collections of 'tasks' to perform such as calling on methods on objects, setting properties.
* Behaviors: Behaviors allow you to create specific functionality, such as a pop-up menu or tool-tip that can be re-used and attached to specific controls or elements;
* Data binding: Data binding allows you to connect controls and components together and to manage the flow of data between them;
* Extend and create client-side controls: You can create new client-side objects to enhance or compose rich functionality. Page developers can use your control for example to create very rich client-side applications.
* ASP.NET 'Atlas' server-side "controls
What really took me over the head though was talk bout ALFAX - integration with flash and action script ! OMG ,talk about taking hypothesis and creative licence to new heights !
So now,ive dropped any plans on opening up the technorati or google analytics snippets,but found GREAT Reads on AJAX @
-> Ajax: A New Approach to Web Applications
-> PDC 05 - ASP.NET 'Atlas' Preview Documentation
-> ASP.NET Spiced: AJAX
-> Dynamix HTML and XML : The XMLHttpRequest Model, from Apple
-> Mastering Ajax Part 1: Introduction to Ajax , from IBM
-> Ajax (programming) From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.
-> AJAX FAQ for the Java Developer, from Sun
-> Very Dynamic Web Interfaces
-> and its first love ...AJAX,amazing demo s here.
-> AJAX:Getting Started from Mozilla
What realy excited me apart from the dynamic nature , fast speeds, better and richer UI experience was consuming a web service from a html page ,which when combined with ajax's ability to refresh or update without postback or refresh's is simply .... wow ! 8 )
- > Consuming a Web Service from an HTML Page
- > Calling a WebService from ASP3.0 and JavaScript
- > Remote scripting - Calling a WebService with JavaScript and C#
- > A proxy generator to WebServices for JavaScript and AJAX
- > Developing Web Applications with Ajax
Keep CLicking,
Bhasker V Kode
Ten Essential Tools: Visual Studio Add-Ins Every Developer Should Download Now

Normally, when you try to post a cool code snippet to your blog it ends up being plain old text, which isn't the easiest thing to read. This is where the CopySourceAsHTML add-in comes in to play. This add-in allows you to copy code as HTML, meaning you can easily post it to your blog or Web site and retain the coloring applied through Visual Studio.
After installing the CopySourceAsHTML add-in, simply select the code you want to copy and then select the Copy Source as HTML command from the right-click menu. After you select Copy As HTML and configure the HTML to include line numbers, this code will look like Figure 12 in the browser. Anything that makes it easier to share and understand code benefits all of us as it means more people will go to the trouble of sharing knowledge and learning from each other.Get it here
My other favourites in this list include :
WSContractFirst makes it easier to write your WSDL file, and will generate client-side and server-side code for you, based on that WSDL file. You get the best of both worlds: control over your contract and the rapid development you are used to from Visual Studio style services development.

PInvoke.NET is a wiki that can be used to document the correct P/Invoke signatures to be used when calling unmanaged Win32 APIs. A wiki is a collaborative Web site that anyone can edit, which means there are thousands of signatures, examples, and notes about using P/Invoke. Since the wiki can be edited by anyone, you can contribute as well as make use of the information there.
CodeKeep is a Web application that provides a place for people to create and share snippets of code in any language. The true usefulness of CodeKeep is its Visual Studio add-in, which allows you to search quickly through the CodeKeep database, as well as submit your own snippets.
I laso liked the ingenuine,yet simple vision behind the Smartpaster and TestDriven.NET as well.
Read more from the Ten Essential Tools: Visual Studio Add-Ins Every Developer Should Download Now -- MSDN Magazine, December 2005: "
Keep Clicking,
Bhasker V K
Tuesday, December 13, 2005
So many things to little time...!
- final year project : interactive voice response system for an intelligent text summarizer and im trying to align my other activities towards the same area- speech recognition and telephony. I would be required to go to college two days a week. Our team also has spoken to Ramco Systems for an external guide.
- imagine cup preparation : the microsoft software design event comes to india this year and the topic dealing with health.
- probable internship at iit-b startup : got an intimation from its CEO, an iit -bombay student that I have a chance for a 3week stint there early next year.
- microsoft's code4bill challenge : where based on the performace, 20 students will have a go at being interns at microsoft, and 1 of them joining Bill Gates personal tech team.Time to deep dive into windows internals, system level fundamentals i guess !
- Write gmat early 2006: I plan to only apply for IIT-M's MS(Entrepreneurship ) program which needs a gate/gmat/cat score . This is pretty low on my priority list,but I'll think bout the course if i do well .
- my own startup : talks with my partners ,literary surveys , and market analysis ,are continuing.And we're looking to approach venture capitalists after preparing our presentations as soon as possible. This is my real passion,and im preparing to plunge into it in the near future . after graduation sounds near future enough :P
- In the Beginning was the Command Line, by Neal Stephenson
- Richard Feynman and The Connection Machine, by W. Daniel Hillis
- The first postmodern computer language
- Blogs of : Steven Sinofsky, Joel Spolsky , among others .
Lotta things happening.
- Article print request from Computer Society of India (CSI 's monthly journal )
It was really exciting to receive a request to print my article in the CSI monthly magazine on the subject of the adoption of indian languages in software development and open source development. The editor mailed me ,and it was a pleasant surprise for both of us to know that I the article was written on TechEnclave by a student from an Anna Univerisity affiliated college - Sri Venkateswara College of Engineering,sriperumbudur. Also ,he happened to be a professor at Anna UNiv's computer science department. Nice stuff and i will remember this for all time to come! 8 ) - Article request from a leading Indian National Daily
Following my article being printed in CSI, i received an email from the Editor of one of two top english dailies from Indian dailies,appreciating my article in CSI ,and that they would want me to write an article for them for a special edition where they would be talking bout the future of IT in andhra pradesh . I hope everything works out well here,and ill see my name at the bottom of an article in the newspaper soon ! :) - Meet with Bill Gates for announcing new product releases, Code4bil contest
I was just back from the Ready Launch tour in Bangalore(wait , i hear they're changing the nameto bangalooru or so :P ) where Bill Gates,Chief Software Architect - Microsoft was present. And i had the privelege to see him up close (two rows behind the press) and have the opportunity of seeing the idol of millions across the world talk and discuss on his plans for the future as well as the new visual studio products, the foundation and its cause , initiatives for the community of developers and other events, Code4bill where 20 indian students will be given internships at microsoft following a stringent selection process,and 1 will be added to Bill Gates technical aid team .wow !
Keep Clicking,
Bhasker V Kode
Thursday, December 08, 2005
I'm off to meet Bill Gates !
That's right , Along with the scores of Microsoft emplyees who are going to be able to meet Billy G himself, 6 Students from Chennai from 6 different colleges will be there, and marking the presence on behalf of Chennai's MS - Student Partner alliance will be Bhasker V K from SVCE .Tada....!
Among other things ,like announcing ivestment plans of 1.5 b$ ,and opening several innovation centres starting off with one in Bangalore, he will be attending the READY Launch Tour -Microsoft Product launch for which I have access to attend on December 9th,at Palace Grounds ,Bangalore.
Ofcourse apart from the numerous event confirmation mails, the public relations callling and confirming from Bangalore, telling me what all i can bring & cannot (no camera's apparently!) ,so I'm all excited to listen to him .I've even more excited since I get to to also luncheon with him ( No,not a one-on-one :P ! ) for buffet ,so I'll be going early and sticking around so that I can talk to the man himself - the man behind Microsoft .
Ahh.... and suddenly I get a tranquil dose of pure bliss.... More after the meet ,i'm off to packing now ,will be a short trip but one i wont forget for the rest of my life ! 8 )
Keep CLicking,
Bhasker V Kode
Monday, November 28, 2005
A word on Pro Bloggers
Amused ,dont be ,the person who runs now calims to earn in 6-figure 's and even introduced a course on blogging as a career.
August is over and my monthly Adsense figures were a new record - the daily average was $511.27 with the monthly total coming in at just a stones throw from $16,000 (USD). The following picture is a screen capture (with my personal details blocked out) of the monthly total. It actually ended up being 0.36 cents higher than the total you see there (it all counts I guess).
- -- linked by 2270 users
- -- linked by 2175 users
- -- linked by 1871 users
- -- linked by 1398 users
| |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
You can catch my blogs at : 1. Confessions of a Ninja 2.Bosky says | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Keep Clicking, Bosky |
Sunday, November 20, 2005
a Professor some day ...
- 1) the situation demands even a single hint of something i pride in having - "clarity of thought"
- 2) when i am approached to assist with some issue particularly involving introspection,innovation
Here are links that I can look back at ,couple of years from now .(Hi there ,me ! )
1.Kick off with B-School E-zines
I started off with four online resource heavens from the dens of the ivy -league
Site | What it's good for | Don't waste your time if | What our CEOs had to say | What you should know |
Knowledge@ Wharton, http://knowledge .wharton | Timely, topical, and insightful business writing. Plenty of useful information taken from academic research. | You want hard-core theory. This site is not for academic purists. | Atre liked the articles on finance and investment, and Weathersby praised the coverage of copyright protection and international trade. | If you like the format, it's worth knowing that Knowledge@ Emory ( http://knowledge is a clone of this E-zine. |
Working Knowledge, www.hbsworking knowledge | Interviews with top professors and industry leaders on entrepreneurial issues; news of Harvard B-school events. | You want pure academic research. | Brigham praised the site; Atre called it her favorite. But Weathersby suspected it would interest only Harvard M.B.A.'s. | A redesign is planned to boost the site's interactivity. |
Stanford Business, www.gsb.stanford .edu/community /bmag/sbsm.htm | Learning about the Stanford B-school. | You need quick access to useful information; there's no index. | Atre found "gems" but not enough real-world coverage. Brigham liked the case studies. | An overhaul of the site is planned; the goal is to create an easy-to-use portal. |
Capital Ideas, http://gsbwww. news/capideas | Summaries of research in economics and finance, conducted by some of the country's top business professors. | You're looking for E-commerce, benefits-plan, and technology insights that you can put into practice today. | Though our CEOs found two useful articles (out of a total of four), all said that the site had little relevance for entrepreneurs. | If you're interested in venture capital, read the article "Six Degrees of Separation." |
2.Fame academies
A few star professors in the US now command salaries and perks to die for, as rival universities bid for their services. .....more here
3.A reluctant superstar
Henry Mintzberg may be the most celebrated business academic in Canada, but don't treat him like a rock star ......more here
4.Browsing through the Faculty pages of top B-schools
It might sound a little too early to call them role-models.Especially for a person who is still in his year of Undergraduate Study ;but hey ,it does make sense to check out what 's in the offering ,and how i can emulate them in any way possible that suits my way of eventual decission-making.I went through the IIM's and the IIT-m b school faculty pages. I noticed had done their studies at some point of time at either of the IIT's and surprisingly low number of faculty graduating from US B schools. I did not see any emphasis on Entreneurship either,which is what i want to teach eventually.
Well i guess,they can wait for me 8 )
Keep Clicking,
Bhasker V K ,
Aspiring Entrepeneur ,& Professor
Saturday, November 19, 2005
10 links to better Coding
1. Do you use source control? 2. Can you make a build in one step? 3. Do you make daily builds? 4. Do you have a bug database? 5. Do you fix bugs before writing new code? 6. Do you have an up-to-date schedule? 7. Do you have a spec? 8. Do programmers have quiet working conditions? 9. Do you use the best tools money can buy? 10. Do you have testers? 11. Do new candidates write code during their interview? 12. Do you do hallway usability testing? |
1. Believe Defect-Free Software is Possible 2. Think Defect-Free Software is Important 3. Commit to Delivering Defect-Free Software 4. Design Your Code for Simplicity and Reliability 5. Trace Every Line of Code When Written 6. Review Code by Programmer Peers 7. Build Automated QA into Your Code 8. Build and Test Daily 9. Use Automated Checking Wherever Possible |
* System Analysis * Specification and Design * Program * Debug * Alpha Test * Beta Test * Deliver the Software |
Step 1: Analyze the code Step 2: Design for threads Step 3: Code the threads Step 4: Debug for correctness Step 5: Tune for performance |
7.12 Steps To Better Security
8.Software Development: Steps To Better Ensure Success
9.The Programmers' Stone
10.Painless Functional Specifications
Misc Links
- The Net's Best Programming 'Hang-Outs'
- Directory of Programming Languages from Dmoz
- What is Extreme Programming
- Single list of HOWTOs ,in Linux
- Finding the Best Programmer's Font,Good Programming Font Criteria
Keep Clicking,
Bhasker V Kode
Tuesday, November 15, 2005
Visual Studio Evolution : too much ,too fast ?!
So I wonder if the next version,would add some refuge for the classical VB 6 developers.Especially with the Visual Studio Future and Live being talked bout.

Visual Studio Future ?!
"We have learned a lot from the previous 3 versions of Visual Studio that were built around the .NET Framework, the biggest lesson that we learned on this most recent version was that we were not agile enough and we took too long to ship." Malno added, however, that "MQ is not about servicing Whidbey.
After MQ, Orcas will begin to swim. "Orcas is all about enabling platform adoption for Windows Vista, for Office 12 and for WinFX," says Somasegar. "You can use Whidbey today to build Vista applications, for example. But Orcas will make it a whole lot easier for people to build Vista applications through easy to use designers and the like."
In a growing trend at the once-secretive company, Microsoft will boost transparency during the development of Orcas. The company will share specific feature plans and request feedback from customers before details are set into stone.
Somasegar also says his division will begin work on a number of incubation experiments -- a concept that has become a veritable requirement within MSN and Microsoft search rival Google. "In light of the 'Live' announcements last week, we are starting to think about what it means for us in the Developer world," he explained. "There are two things that we need to think about -- the kind of tools support that we need to provide for our 'Live' services platform and what does 'Visual Studio Live' look like."
1. Microsoft Talks Up Visual Studio Future
3.Campaign to save Visual Basic 6 gathers support
4.Microsoft MVPs revolt
No matter what the result, it will turn out a a telling tale of the VS avtars ... Visual Basic ,Visual Studio Express and Visual Basic Future. Thats not keeping in mind the compact and devices versions !
Keep Clicking,
Bhasker V K ,Microsoft Student Champ - SVCE
Monday, November 14, 2005
READY Launch Tour -Microsoft Product launch across Indian cities
Well ,heres your chance for developers ,MS watchers and enthusiasts to experience the launch with the Microsofts Ready Launch 2005 .It hits Bangalore,Mumbai,Pune,Chennai , New Delhi,Hyderabaad,Kolkatta in that order starting from December 9th to 21st ,so register soon.Heres more details below of what to expect.
General Event Information Products: BizTalk Server, SQL Server and Visual Studio. Recommended Audience: Architect, Developer and IT Professional. Be there to witness the launch of SQL Server 2005, Visual Studio 2005 and BizTalk Server 2006! |
Related links on TE
1. Get Visual Studio 2005 Express Editions for FREE!!
2. Microsoft Talks Up Visual Studio Future
Saturday, November 12, 2005
TechEnclave is recuiting !
Dear Members,
As you must have noted the recent promotions of Moderators to Global Moderators, we have a few vacancies created. One of the major vacancies is that of News Posters. Thus, we are now looking for a good news poster with excellent sources of news and good writing skills (not mandatory, is preferred).
Over the next few weeks we will be on a constant lookout for talent in members who submit good quality news. We shall select a handful of the best ones, out of which 2 members will get to join the TE Staff as News Posters.
Please note:
* The Decision of TechEnclave Staff in this regard is final and cannot be contested.
* By participating here, you are bound by the terms and conditions of the site. Specifically you will respect our site rules and the privacy policy.
* While we will not pay you for this job, But by becoming a TE staff member, a lot of benefits will open up for you. Become one to find them out.
* You are required to be a TechEnclave member to participate in this recruitment drive.
* If you have past history of working elsewhere, or are currently working in other forums/sites, kindly PM a Global Moderator or Admins about the same.
* All members wishing to participate in the recruitment drive are expected to reply here.
* Submissions from members not replying in this thread will not be considered.
* All submissions must be made in the Latest News Section section and spamming will not be tolerated. While the news may be approved, it is not necessary that it will make it to the portal.
* Please read the guide by Safin to get knowldge of how to post news. The link to the same is HERE
* TechEnclave holds the right to edit the rules of this recruitment with or without any prior notification at any stage. This cannot be contested. However, participants will get a notification of the changes if any via PM or via this thread and are thus required to check this thread constantly.
* All members replying below agree to abide by the rules mentioned above failing to do so can have action initiated against them.
So get ready and get clicking.
Keep Clicking,
Staff Member & Super-Moderator -
Thursday, November 10, 2005
Writing a good Statement of Purpose
But I thought I'd discuss some key points ANYONE can use in writing their "Statement of Purpose" if they have the facts and are looking for points for cohesion :
-do u have any1 person/subject teacher in particular u want this reco to be from ?
-ur fav areas of interst in engg.
-any spl awards /papers / contests
-any sympo work,give info here bout leadership abilities
-ur max marks ever (in any subj) that might come in handy
-number of students in ur class
-favourite company / dream company
-role model ?
-fav subj in school
-give 2-3 fav subj's from over the years
-mark in 12th ,avg now ,any ranks,highest mark in which sem,which subjects
-what area of work do u want for MS?
-what u want to do after MS ?
Sunday, October 23, 2005
stunning photos on way back from svce one evening
Just wanted wanted to share some of the snaps taken on a beauuuutiful cloudy evening on way back from college ,on oct 21 st 2005 . the weathers really awesome ,and i happened to bring my canon 5.1 megapixel baby! . Some of the snaps have turned out really stunning ,considering they were taken off a moving bus . 8 )
Check them out here.

Keep Clicking,
Sunday, October 09, 2005
Generating SP scripts with VS.NET 2003 ,SQL Server 2000
2)By the way, SQL-DMO uses the Microsoft® SQL Server ODBC driver to connect to and communicate with instances of SQL Server. If you have installed SQL Server Enterprise Manager then you should have the SQL DMO installed on your system.I found the following article that takes a preview into one such capability of DMO to script out table description from SQL Server. The following code helps you script the table definitions from the database you choose. You have an option to script out Indexes and Triggers associated with the tables.
3 a)You might also find the following utility interesting .
Interactive SQL Tool (using ADO)
Query Tool (using ADO) is an Universal Data Access tool that allows you to query OLE DB data sources, author SQL scripts and queries, return query results to a grid or free-form text, retrieve provider properties, execute multiple SQL scripts or stored procedures simultaneously, retrieve multiple result sets depending on the data source, etc.
3 b) Stored Procedure Class Wizard (SPCW)
SPCW is a development tool that can be used exclusively to generate class files (.cpp and .h) derived from MFC’s CRecordset for stored procedures.
4)You might also find it interesting that ,If you have made an application that uses an SQL database that needs to be located on the client server, rather than go for a InstallShield or another product you can use the Installer class ,and make a class derived from System.Configuration.Install ,then add two Embedded Resources named install.txt & uninstall.txt to the solution. The install.txt will contain the SQL script for your database and uninstall.txt the drop script.
More info on the Install class from MSDN here
PS: SQL2000 permits an XML file to be passed as the argument of a stored procedure. and u can check out an example of that install class mentioned above ,at
Using XML as a source for Application Configuration ettings.
spurred me to find the possible solutions .You have all the right reasons to choose XML for application configuration settings.Storing this information in an XML file will not only increase speed,but also with the data in XML, implementing the code in new applications is a breeze.For this you can apply the following options:
1)Configuration Setting using ConfigurationSettgins.AppSettings object
string ConnectionString = ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings["ConnectionString"];
2)You can also implement a wwAppConfiguration subclass with custom config settings.The wwAppConfiguration class which works in conjunction with the .NET ConfigurationSettings class provides the following improvements:
* A typed interface to configuration settings
* Default values that also get written to the config file
* Read and Write access to keys
* Error handling for invalid entries
* Encryption for specific keys
* Ability to use non .config files for storage
More at this "excellent read" here
3)Also check out how to store the state and province information in an XML file, and to create a StateManager module from which you could easily extract the state information.
4) A sample of using the StateManager and programmatically accessing the State Information is available here
As for the XML files,there are more ways than one to read XML data elements using .NET .
1) Use the XMLTextReader to extract the element names and text strings from an XML file as follows :
Private Sub ReadXMLFromFile()
Dim reader As New System.Xml.XmlTextReader("c:\XMLInput.xml")
Dim contents As String = ""
While reader.Read()
If reader.NodeType = Xml.XmlNodeType.Element Then
contents &= reader.Name & ": "
End If
If reader.NodeType = Xml.XmlNodeType.Text Then
contents &= reader.Value & _
End If
End While
End Sub
NOTE : The following conditions may cause an exception:
-file exists and is read-only
-disk is full
-The path is too long
-file does not contain well-formed XML
2)Reading XML with the XmlReader
The XmlReader class enables you to:
* Verify that the characters are legal XML characters, and that element and attribute names are valid XML names.
* Verify that the XML document is well formed.
* Validate the data against a DTD or schema.
* Retrieve data from the XML stream or skip unwanted records using a pull model.
More here (although this is ocated at the winffx repositary,you shudnt have problems using the same concepts)
3) PS : the XmlValidatingReader class is obsolete in the Microsoft .NET Framework version 2.0. so i suggest not to prefer concentrating on this option .
4) Reading XML Data into a Dataset
ADO.NET provides simple methods for working with XML data that allow you to load XML data into a dataset. The dataset will then be displayed in a DataGrid control. Finally, an XML Schema based on the contents of the XML file can be displayed in a text box.
More here
5)The following link would be useful as well:
Keep Clicking,
Bhasker V K ,
Microsoft Student Champ,SVCE
Tuesday, September 20, 2005
Looking back at a few "Hands on Lab" .Net sessions
Anyway,thought i'd quickly elaborate on few other common checks ive noticed you can do,so that you can avoid any future problems deadling with or webservices and so on after someone in CNUG, reminded me of the debugging days form lat years Microsoft Student Project program on .
navigate to dotnetv1.~dir/aspnet_regiis -ieg: C:/ windows / / framework / v1.1.4322 / aspnet_regiis.exe -i
Start->Run -> services.msc
Internet Explorer ->File -> working offline ,is not ticked.
Keep Clicking,
Sunday, September 18, 2005
Building A Great DevelopmentTeam
Channel9 Wiki: BuildingAGreatDevelopmentTeam: "BM: I have some ideas about how to go about building an effective development team.
When you look at the releationship between developers on a team and also between your development team and your test team there are certain personalities that really stand out, and the thing to remember is that people on the team are people and they have to communicate with each other and they suffer all the normal problems that people have when they are communicating.
So, when I think of building my team. It starts by reminding my of an old guitar player joke:
- What do you call a guy who hangs out with three musicians?
- The drummer.
So, the guitar players are looking down on the drummer and they are thinking 'this guy is not a real musician, we're musicians'. But if you didn't have the drummer in the band you totally lose the beat and they would be all over the place and it would be a mess. If the band was all drummers, they would have a great beat but it wouldn't be very musical.
You need to have all the elements, all the musicians, in the band in order for it to be cohesive, have a good groove and make some really good music and a development team is the same way. You need to have the guy who is really good at double checking his work, really good at double checking everyone elses work and really good at doing schedules. You need to have the guy who is really good at 'Gee this is a really vague and ambiguous problem, we don't have a clear answer and there are competing interests in it' and he's able to listen to the various sides of the story and he's able to come up with some good directional answers. But maybe that's not the person who's going to spit and polish the schedule and make sure you're going to deliver on time. You need to have the person who goes really deep, the engineer who you give a specific really hard problem to. You know they don't care about all the other stuff tha"
got the ipod nano as well !

will post more later ,(my bro just back from NY,chicago where it was bought from for 200$).
Check out more on ipod nano on techenclave
Sunday, September 04, 2005
End of my "Drag 'n Drop" development phase - Part 1.
(a) Dont have passion for technologyIt is also true that knowing how to create applications ,however new the API or technology was still not peanuts.and whats the big deal in just knowing how to do something without understanding the underlying funda's .Now hold on here .If you think knowing how the data is represented or the various layers of business logic or knowing the syntax for comppiling on the command line is is 'geeky thoery' - then you are so so wrong . Like i was .
(b) Are in it for something good on their resume, CDs and t-shirts
Because like i found out later - any one with a encouraging learning curve would in a week or two be able to :
- connect to a DB and give security
- make ur app talk to a webservice
- xml feed or data representation for ur mobile devices
- windows forms !
For all those who thought .net was all there was going on ,and that developers cant live without the wizards .Other notions that spring up are that ppl in MS have no clue of what the hell is happening outside windows, cant live without a pretty looking IDE , and are basically guys who found this the easiest thing to do .
NO ....i repeat NO way. And i wish i could explain in details with each of you who think otherwise.I'd probably try to elaborate on why i say so. Take a look at some of the developer tools ,contrary to pupoular belief that the work that happens in MS ,is done on VS.
( NOTE : Also check out the complete list of pre-release products included in the Visual Studio 2005 Beta 2 Go-Live License )
For Office and Business solutions and products tht have interesting API 's spaning across :
- Access
- Data Analyzer
- Excel
- FrontPage
- InfoPath
- Information Bridge Framework
- Live Communications Server 2005
- Live Communications Server 2003
- Office
- Office Developer
- OneNote
- Outlook
- PowerPoint
- Project
- Publisher
- Visio
- Visual Studio 2005 Tools for Office
- Visual Studio Tools for Office, Version 2003
- Word
In fact Sriram tells me that ,the good ol 'command line' makes a comeback for him at Hyderabad for his work But the topics that got me really all excited were :
- Virtual Device Drivers for MS-DOS Applications or Special Hardware
- Microsoft STI : Still Image Device
- Microsoft Windows Internals
- Writing Windows Wdm Device Drivers ( PS: you can check out more on Getting Started with Windows Drivers and the Windows Driver Model (WDM))
- Developing Drivers with the Windows Driver Development Kits(DDK's)
- Writing Windows VxDs & Device Drivers
- Hardware ,Display Compatibility Test kits & DVD Test Annex
- Windows Native API References
- Microsoft Active Accessibility 2.0 Software Development Kit Tools ( check out accesability code samples here , and a gr8 list of resources here )
- The Real-time Communications (RTC) Client
- Rotor and so on

* Case sensitivity.
* Unicode or ANSI options.
* Parameter data types.
Then found this dated to 1994,that talked bout Creating Useful Native Visual Basic and Microsoft Access Functions.For Getting started with System programming in Windows ,you can check out WHDC for :
System and Device Design - Designing for Windows compatibility and reliability from the beginning prevents much rework later.
Driver Development - Microsoft provides the Windows Driver Development Kit (DDK) and a collection of testing tools to help you build reliable, stable, and secure drivers.
Logo Program Testing - To supplement your company's quality assurance practices, the Windows Hardware Quality Labs (WHQL) testing programs and the Windows Hardware Compatibility Tests (HCT) will help ensure that your hardware and drivers qualify for the "Designed for Windows" logo.
Qualification Service - Windows Quality Online Services provides the Web site infrastructure that you use to qualify your products for Microsoft logo programs and to list them in product catalogs and directories.
Product Maintenance - Windows Quality Online Services offer several methods for maintaining and distributing drivers, including the ability for your company to view Windows Error Reporting (WER) data associated with driver failures.
Well heres to the start of some serious and exciting stage of system level programming ... Cheers to that .
End of Part - 1 .
Sunday, August 28, 2005
Collaboration and the win32 for msn
"MSN has been operating in a walled garden. Most of their services do not have accessible developer APIs (there are exceptions I'm sure, Virtual Earth comes to mind). They have put the onus upon themselves to create the Internet experience that they think consumers want. The MSN backend infrastructure is completely closed from what I can tell; there is no Win32 of MSN."
He goes on to ask why MS havnt concentrated on a distributed concept of an OS ,where you simply load /boot up backed by a gigabit connection .
There must be some reason. in the first place,ive alwasy wondered how MS has managed to collaborate not make anything redundant with all the projects they have ,be it a common feature from any two office products or some dicision of whether to choose the feature from say a mappoint or a virtual earth . All very subtle and important decision that gravitate towards consolidating their existing services . gr8 effort ,u got to say.Im sure billyG aka Bill Gates has something in mind. The windows media centre ,microsoft automative and windows embedded all go to say that. To have converged and seamless integration .so im guessing that wer not going to see a deviation from the pc to a networked pc ,but from devices part from pcs using this model .
He also talks bout how MS could blow away the competition if
1.) provide the platform for free.
2.) charge consumers for enhanced platform
3.) consumers get it fo free,business's pay
well....this discussion can and will go on for long long time im sure so im not even gonna get started with it :)
Saturday, August 20, 2005
Google zeitgeist - the keyword repository.
Interesting to see whatindians have been looking for in June,July
India Popular Queries
June 2005 1. sania 2. air deccan 3. aishwarya 4. tsunami 5. india times 6. mumbai 7. kindfisher 8. harry potter 9. ndtv 10. ssc result July 2005 |
Saturday, July 30, 2005
IP rights & sourcecode protection
Tools,ways to protect source code from physically stealing ,transfering to other accounts,and so on .this was a thought immediately after A Forrester Research report has warned that what looks like just another theft might curb the booming Indian BPO industry's growth by as much as 30 per cent.
Remotesoft .NET protector
Tool to protect your intellectual properties. It transforms your .NET assemblies (.EXE or .DLL) into a new format that completely stops decompilation and disassembling .
Dotfuscator is a .Net Obfuscator and Compactor that helps protect programs against reverse engineering while making them smaller and more efficient.
Then you have your virtualsafe,CVS,et all. fine.
Now im a student ,thinking about doing a project on IP rights and protection for the .net IDE .One Question : what would be a wishlist for such a purpose .Im not a regular at cvs or ip tools. im even thinking of having a voice based security mechanism ,where i could use a speech server to parse and report certain
so what would a wishlist for IP & sourcecode protection look like (apart from "protect violation " or "protect code" pls :P )
eg: check clipboard maybe ?
a service that checks the files moved ?
Thursday, July 28, 2005
Protocol 8e - the Techfest hosted by my Department
I'd like to invite all of youto the website of
"Protocol8e", the annual symposium hosted by the IT
Dept and the Association of Information Technologists
of Sri Venkateswara College of Engineering
The website is or visit
Check it out for information on the events ,viewing
the promotional poster,registering your own blog at
the site,polls,forums,and other info related with the
On behalf of the Protocol Team and students of IT
Bhasker V K,
Administrator- Protocol8e site
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