I will be attending blogCamp later this month , and like i
explained in another post there has been a lot of planning and organising thats going on for the big event to be held in Chennai on September 9th , 2006 . I just wish i was there to help out .
More about what ive been working on with blogCamp in mind , heres blogCamperKode - the small little widget to give info about blogCamp - that im developing ...just for theheck of it ! 8 )
Check out a beta here.
it still has some changes internally to be made,but the functioning and working will be just like how the page above shows it . Before i make it to blogCamp i plan to make it possible to insert the utility
with just onle line of code . And presto ! it turns up in your blog/ site 8 )
One request to the organisers though if youre listening in - i need a slot somewhere in the two days ! 8 )
Keep Clicking,
Bhasker V Kode
Technorati Tags: demo, chennai, blog, web2.0, ajax, scriptlet, Kode, bhasker, Bosky, bosky101,blogCamp