So, I've also always wondered if the portal a handful of '20-something year old' geeks and myself have built over the years totally in our spare time - would figure as being part of the Indian web innovation revolution .
It's called TechEnclave , famed for its forums ... ( http://www.techenclave.com
The reason why i 'm talking about it now - is also to highlight the transition we've seen with the web 2.0 revolution hitting the indian plains . Sure , we did implement ajax based forum search options before it became cool , and we do have some forum regulars like a calendar that the 10k displaying birthdays ,user meets ,and so on . We've even had our TE user meets where we get to interact with the members dating to early 2005 . And with over 25- 30 of them across the country over the years - its not really tough to see why the unconferencing theme dint take too long to pick up in India. Today TechEnclave has over 25 forum sections covering hardware overclocking to gaming , portable devices and Tech News from across the world .If TechEnclave as become what it is today , it has been off the strength ,quality and relevence of its Forums - be it for the tech noobie , geek gurus or the persistent troubleshooter .
Some other statistics TechEnclave as of Nov 3 , 2006
Members: 13,500 +
Threads: 27,229
Posts: 292,544,
Most users ever online was 1,363, 28 Nov 05 2005 at 01:18 PM.
So ...coming back to how TechEnclave fits in as a interesting collage of user-feedback inspired product innovation built inhouse...
1 ) TE Spy
an inhouse clone of digg spy ,developed in ajaxian ishtyle , and shows in real time when new posts made at techenclave ... currently for premium members only . But the amount of content we throughout the day ensure that the TE spy functions like a charm . If you are registering at TechEnclave , we'll be happy to upgrade you to a premium membership .Just let me know your user id ,and then you can check out TE Spy for yourself .

2 ) TechEnclave Addons & Initiatives
The TechEnclave ToolBar , A nifty little addon for Firefox helps our users search and naviagate across the site better . We also have an exclusive download manager apart from the recently added hardware benchmarking software located at http://www.techenclave.com

3 ) TE Rig Gallery
TERig was an idea that we at techenclave had for a long time. We wanted to give , the tech enthusiast a medium to showcase your rig to the world. From our feedback on the forums ,we understood that the true potential of your rig can only be shown when your rig details are presented in a well formatted manner and with the all important pictures of your rig. So our admins Safin and QuickFire , went about hacking just that . Not only will you be able to put your rig specs in a well formatted manner, but also will be able to view where your rig stands vis-a-vis other's. Till date ,we are the first forum to have such a versatile system ...check it out at http://www.techenclave.com
transcending the role of a forum .
4 ) TE iTrader ( Market )
A custom built environment that provides a better showcase of the product that users put up for sale .

5 ) TE Price Guide
Based on feedback over the years ,we even felt the need for a comprehensive and updated price guide for hardware ,whatever be the city you are in india. So welcome another custom built app . the TE Price Guide located at http://www.techenclave.com

The TE Family
Apart from helping troubleshooting across 20 odd forum sections ,being part of the Techenclave , has helped bridge distance for the indian techie and transcend geekdom !
TechEnclave 's depth of quality in its reviews and experienced members helped it become a source to present demos at hardware branding and launch expos . Infact ,name any piece of hardware or software ,and you can be sure that theres someone from techenclave whos' got it first or swears by their favourite utility . Also of note is the sister forum that we've created called FunEnclave over at www.funenclave.com
The people behind TechEnclave ( http://www.techenclave.com
If TechEnclave does not fit into the realm of indian innovations - we will understand . But If you think that this community has evolved ,then do let us know ,and drop in at the forums and find out for yourself . See you there...
Keep Clicking,
Bhasker V Kode ,
PS : If you do want to explore advertising options ,feel free to go through the page at http://www.techenclave.com/forums/advertisewithus.html .
This is a post meant to act as Profile of TechEnclave . So while it very well would be in the public domain,i'd appreciate the linkback .